Title 1 Information & Resources

What is Title I?

The Title I program gives federal funding to school districts for supplemental instruction for students who qualify. Title I funding is used to offer support services to students who need extra time and instruction to master grade level curriculum. Title I schools are identified through a state formula each year that is based on the number of students from economically disadvantaged homes. Merrill Elementary School has a Title I program.

 The purpose of Title I is to:

  • help every child receive a high-quality education

  • increase academic achievement

  • build capacity for parent involvement

  • provide professional development for building staff

Title I services provided by federal funds are based on the academic needs of students. Students who qualify for academic support may be served in language arts, mathematics or both. Eligibility is determined by standardized tests, classroom assessments and performance and teacher recommendation.

A parent letter will be sent home if your child is identified as eligible for support services funded through Title I. Title I services may be short term or long term, depending on the needs of each individual student.  We are pleased to offer these services to help all of our students be successful. 

Parent-Home Connection

Parents and guardians of students receiving Title I support services are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education. Learn more about our Title 1 policies:  Parent’s right to know, parent participation policy and Title 1 policy in our board documents.

Conferences are one of the most important ways parents and teachers work together as a team, as parents and guardians may share information about their child’s special interests. It is also a good time for discussing the child’s academic progress and for gaining ideas on how parents can best help their children at home. A translator is available upon request.

Parents and guardians influence their children’s education more than anyone else. Parental involvement can boost children’s achievement. By taking an active role in our school, parents show their children that they are valued and that education is important. Children learn that parents and the school are a team, working together to help them succeed.

Parents can participate in their child's learning in several ways:

  • Read to your child daily

  • Listen to your child read daily

  • Attend your school's annual open house

  • Attend parent-teacher conferences

  • Participate in class field trips and class projects

  • Come to school meetings and events

  • Join your school's Parent Volunteer Organization

If you have any further questions, please contact the elementary building principal Rebecca Zimmerman.