I heard a great question the other day, so I wanted to address it for everyone: "How come we spend all that money on all of those other things when we need secure entries, roof replacements, bathrooms remodeled and the other items that are listed in our bond?"
The answer to this question is that Merrill Community School District is constantly busy putting that extra effort in so that our students and community have a school district that serves their needs and expands their learning opportunities. Many staff members work hard to secure alternative financing beyond our budgeted state funds. Grants, business partnerships and private donations help us to push forward. These avenues of funding are specifically focused, and we must be able to prove that it was used for the proper purposes. These extra efforts by our staff, local businesses, community and alumni make Merrill the place "WHERE YOU BELONG".
Where have we gotten extra funding from in the last few years?
- Food Services Grants and reimbursements for specialized programs for our students and community
- Safety Grant - Federal Government
- ESSER Funds - Federal Government
- Personal Donations to support specific events or programs
- Donors Choose Donations - Grants written by teachers
- Early Childhood Grants
- Extended Care Grants
- Local Business Partnerships - sponsorships, discounts & donations
- Various other grants from businesses, state and federal agencies
- Volunteers
What were those funds for?
- Donations of items, Food, Deep Discounts, venues for meetings, Backpacks and Supplies for students and teachers
- Supplies and Equipment for many Classrooms
- Supplies for students
- Remodeling and furniture for the MS/HS cafeteria
- Equipment and remodeling the Early Childhood Classrooms
- Equipment and remodeling of the extended care space
- Addition of door entry FOBs, fire/tornado maps in classrooms and exterior/interior door markers/signs
- Kids Run the Nation
- Summer Reader Carnival
- Elementary, Middle and High School Field Day sponsorship
- MS/HS Zoo
- Equipment and remodeling the STEM lab
- Equipment and remodeling the E-gaming lab
- Buses
- Cleaning Equipment - new and replacements
- Technology replacements - classroom technology
- New technology - 1 to 1 technology
- Intervention Services for Students - Counselors, Social Workers, Teachers
- Teachers for Small Class Sizes
- Fixing the sound system at the football field
- Remodeling District Signs
- Marketing Materials - yard signs, Billboards, magnets, stickers,
- Food for events
- Decorations for Events
- Photographs at events
- Flooring